• 021 462 1824

  • info@jakupa.co.za



Elizabeth House had an illustrious history before running into disrepair. The building was owned by the Gauteng Department of Public Works as was located within the Koponong Precinct in Johannesburg CBD. Beyond the obvious lack of maintenance, the multi-storey building suffered from significant structural problems which rendered it unsafe and too costly to repair which ultimately was the reason for it being demolished. Jakupa led a team of consultants that included a QS, an electrical engineer and a structural engineer to produce a comprehensive report on the building’s condition which was used by the client to determine the building’s fate.



Sage West was an unoccupied multi-storey building owned by the Gauteng Provincial Department of Public Works, located in the Koponong Precinct in Johannesburg CBD. The building fell into disrepair over the years and Jakupa was appointed as part of a multi-disciplinary team to assess the condition of the building and make recommendations as to its fate. We produced a comprehensive assessment of the building’s condition [including a structural and electrical services assessment] which was then translated into a set of specifications captured in a BOQ. This document was used by the client to determine the building’s fate.